Call for Nominations: Hennig Cohen Prize


Call for Nominations: 2020 Hennig Cohen Prize

Please consider submitting or nominating articles and chapters on the works of Herman Melville published in 2020 for consideration for the Hennig Cohen Prize. Preference is given to newer scholars in the field of Melville studies. Since 1998, the Melville Society has honored the memory of Professor Hennig Cohen with an annual award for the best article, book chapter, or essay in a book about Herman Melville. In addition to his founding roles in the American Studies Association, American Quarterly, and the Melville Society, the late Hennig Cohen (1919-96) was a dedicated teacher, scholar, and modern editor of Herman Melville's works.

Please send submissions and nominations by November 15, 2021 to: Please attach the piece to be considered as a PDF to the email.


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