Travel Awards for the Melville Society International Conference

We are happy to announce travel awards for the Melville Society's 14th International Conference, Oceanic Melville!

We will award at least five travel grants to help defray travel costs, lodging, and other expenses for conference participants with limited travel funding, in order to enable them to present their work. Grant recipients will receive $300 stipends and have their conference registration fees waived. Additional grants are possible if our fundraising efforts are successful.

These awards have been designed to support graduate students, contingent faculty, independent scholars, and other conference participants for whom travel to the conference would present financial hardship. We will prioritize early-career scholars and people who would most benefit from participation in or collaboration with the Melville Society at this point in their professional lives. We will also prioritize people who have not won Melville Society travel awards in the past, though all applications will be considered.

To apply please send the following materials to the awards committee ( by March 1st: (1) a statement or cover letter of up to 500 words that outlines the reasons that attending our conference would be especially beneficial at this point in your career, (2) the abstract of your accepted conference paper or an equivalent document for a roundtable, workshop, etc., and (3) your current CV. 

If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to the fund to ensure its ongoing availability, please visit our Fundly page.


DEADLINE EXTENDED! Call For Papers: Melville Society Panels at MLA 2026


Melville Society Panels at the 2025 American Literature Association Conference