Travel Awards for the Melville Society International Conference
We are happy to announce travel awards for the Melville Society's 14th International Conference, Oceanic Melville!
We will award at least five travel grants to help defray travel costs, lodging, and other expenses for conference participants with limited travel funding, in order to enable them to present their work. Grant recipients will receive $300 stipends and have their conference registration fees waived.

Leviathan 25.3 “Melville in Public” wins “Best Special Issue” from the Council of Editors of Learned Journals
At the 2025 Modern Language Association (MLA) convention in New Orleans, the Council of Editors of Learned Journals awarded Leviathan vol. 25 no. 3, “Melville in Public” as “Best Special Issue.”

2023 Hennig Cohen Prize Award
The Hennig Cohen Prize for 2023 is awarded to Sari Altschuler for her essay “Babo’s ‘Mute’-ny: Deaf Culture and Black Testimony in Antebellum America,” published in PMLA, vol. 138, no. 5, 2023, pp. 1149-1164.

Hennig Cohen Prize Deadline September 15th
Please consider submitting or nominating articles and chapters on the works of Herman Melville published in 2023 for consideration for the Hennig Cohen Prize. Deadline Sept. 15th, 2024.

2022 Hennig Cohen Prize Award
The Hennig Cohen Prize for 2022 is awarded to Justina Torrance for her essay, “Melville’s Milton: Of the Devil’s Party and Knows It," published in A New Companion to Herman Melville, edited by Wyn Kelley and Christopher Ohge (Blackwell).

2021 Hennig Cohen Prize Award
The Hennig Cohen Prize for 2021 goes to Daniel Diez Couch and Michael Anthony Nicholson for their article “Silent Eloquence: Literary Extracts, the Aesthetics of Disability, and Melville’s ‘Fragments,’” which was published in Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies.